Through engaging educational programs, Bali Safari Park has been actively raising awareness regarding wildlife conservation in Bali. In an effort to preserve endangered species as well as our environment, we’ve developed a system of educational programs that cater to all levels of society.

Below are some of the educational programs Bali Safari Park plans to unfold:


Current Programs

School Package


school package bali safari


This program was created with the intention of introducing children to the fascinating wonders of nature and wildlife in Bali and their surrounding environment. We believe that facilitating early education and awareness is the key to better conservation in the long term. This education package is currently offered in three stages: Cheeky Cheetah, Happy Hippo and Kool Komodo. The program incorporates fun and engaging activities that serve as an educational platform for students of all ages to participate.


Safari Goes to School




As a member of the Southeast Asian Zoos Association (SEAZA), Bali Safari Park is committed to actualize one of our visions – to use our resources and animal collection as an instrument to share knowledge about conservation of wildlife through environmental based education. This program aims to integrate this vision as part of the school’s curriculum within the provinces of Bali, starting from pre-school all the way to high school.


Wildlife Philanthropy


wildlife-philanthropy bali safari


The Wildlife Philanthropy invites staff of companies visiting Bali Safari Park to learn more and get involved in our conservation programs and activities. They are welcomed to become sponsors of current programs or campaigns, as well as be directly involved in them.


Planned Programs

Mahout for a day

In addition to the existing programs listed above, Bali Safari Park has plans to establish another program called Mahout for a day. This program provides the rare opportunity for participants to experience the life of a mahout for the day in Bali Safari Park. Mahout is a term for people who work and care for the Elephants. Participants will be involved with the daily care and feeding of the Elephants and, most importantly, learn about the relationship they have with our Sumatran Elephants.

Here at Bali Safari Park we take matters of conservation of wildlife and endangered animals with the highest regard. We hope that by establishing these educational programs within our Park, as well as in the schools in Bali, there will be a higher awareness around conservation.

Learn more about our educational programs and how you can get involved through our Bali Safari Park website.