A well-muscled cat with a compact bodies and powerful forelegs, teeth and jaw – there’s none other than the Lion! These big cat have been admired throughout history as symbols of courage and strength.


The number of these big cats in the wild are dramatically decreasing to the point them entering an endangered status. Thus, Every August 10th we tend to celebrate World Lion Day. It is the opportunity to push back against the decline in the range and habitat of the mighty lions.

However, “King of The Jungle” is a false nickname for them! Did you already find out about that? If not, you can find the reason here to get to know the true or false about the lions. It’s time to express your love towards these second-largest cat in the world!

History of the day

The first day of World Lion Day was celebrated in 2013. It was led by a couple Dereck and Beverly Joubert, with the help of Big Cat Initiative and National Geographic.

The goals have three objectives point. The first is to raise awareness of the plight of the lion and the issues that the species faces in the wild. Second is to find ways to protect the big cat’s natural environment, such as creating more national parks and reducing the areas in which people can settle. And the third is to educate people who live near wild cats on the dangers and how to protect themselves.

How to Celebrate?


Let’s get involved in supporting this majestic beast and protecting them for future generations! A simple way is like to change your profile picture to a lion for a day, or sharing their facts. Whether you need a new bag or coat, make sure to refuse buying lion products made from skin or anything!

Bali Safari Park always remind all safari lovers to be aware about the wildlife. Because if don’t do anything, we could lose them entirely! It’s all depends on our hand, together to pay tribute to the mighty lion in as many ways as possible. Happy World Lion Day!