These animal famous for its legendary role in the Lion King movie, so it is such an easy question, what is those animal? – Bingo! It is none other than a Lion, a majestic big cat.

After a glance of those enticing movie, aren’t you curious about a real existence of these big cat? In real life, the lion is broad-chested cat with muscular, mane and hairy tuft at the end of its tail.

Leading to that facts, let’s find out what else is the true and false fact about these big cat through the article!

King of the Jungle


People often glorifying them as “King of The Jungle”, is it true or false? – The answer is false! It turns out that they don’t live in the jungle, but in grasslands and wide plains instead.

However, the nickname of King is not completely wrong. They own a leader and quite aggressive to attack the enemy together in order to defend the territory. They also well known as the animals that symbolizes courage, strength, and power that lead to the trait of king.

Only Males have Manes


Their mane is truly the first things that will catch your eyes. Then, are you sure enough that the only males have manes? The answer is true! It known as sexually dimorphic; where the males and females can be distinguish easily, in this case, the mane.

The mane on the male lion have function to attract the female. It’s like the thicker the mane it has, the more attractive the male lion will be.


They Tend to Socialize and Live In a Group

In the movie itself, it depicts that the Lions are living together and tend to protect each other. It is casually true, the facts reveals that in the wild, they live in a group. This group of lions consists of male and female lions with a total of about fifteen lions, known as “prides”. In pride of Lions, it is led by a male lion who is the strongest, and have a role as the leader of the group.


Incredible Vision and Prey-Catcher

It is surely a true fact! – Lions have 6 times sharper vision than humans. This is very advantageous for them to hunt the prey at the night. In terms of hunting, female lions are always looking for prey while males guard their territory.

However, they tend to sleep over than 20 hours per day due to the satiety effect of eating meat. The protein contains makes them more sleepy and move slowly.

Has your curiosity about their truth or falsity been answered? – Now, it is time to check this big cat with your own eyes, visit Bali Safari Park and witness yourself! You can try Feed The Predator so this big cat will only 20 cm close from your body!