The Chacoan Mara (Dolichotis salinicola), well known as Mara is a relatively large South American rodent of the cavy family.

Find out more about this unique animal and what do they face on their habitat!


Belong to family Caviidae, Mara are the fourth largest rodent in the world after the capybaras, beavers and porcupines. They are social animals live in small groups of up to four animals.

Endemic to the South American Chaco, this mamals also found on a large area in Paraguay consisting of arid forests, thorny scrublands and grassland. Lives in an open habitat helps them to quickly spot approaching predators.

Although resemble rabbits, Chacoan Mara are known for their long and thin legs along with broad and pointed ears. However, rabbits is not actually a rodent and therefore not as closely related to the Mara as you expected.

They weigh about 1,8 to 2,3 kg, the body length range about 42 to 48 cm long. Having large hind feet, they also have nails rather than claws at the end of each digit.

The Chacoan Mara likes to eat grasses, wood plants, fruits and seeds on rainy season. As well during dry season, they like to seek succulent species such as cacti and bromeliads.


Did you know? Chacoan Mara can run at high speeds from just a few hours after birth. They do that to evade their common predators which include jaguars, pumas and pampas foxes.

Moreover, the newborn babies can run immediately a few hours after birth, following their parents along.


According to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Chacoan Mara are species of least concern with no known major threats. Eventho, they facing habitat destruction and hunting due to human land expansion.

In Bali Safari Park, as the first animal conservation institute in Bali, still continue to preserve this unique animals. See this Chacoan Mara with your eyes, only at Bali Safari Park!