Published December 12, 2022 | Activities, Celebrate, Environment, Family, Love, Travel Tips

Why Christmas celebrations are identic with Christmas trees? Let’s find out!

The Christmas tree is decorate trees. It is usually the evergreen conifers, such as fir or pine, that are associate with the celebration of Christmas. The custom of putting up tree as decoration started in Germany. This tree also symbolizes “eternal life”, because generally in winter almost all trees lose their leaves, except for evergreen trees.

christmas tree
Source: Google

Meaning of Christmas Tree

According to, evergreen trees are a symbol for winter festivals as they last throughout the year and are believed by some to protect the home from evil spirits and bad things.

Meanwhile, in modern terms, the meaning of Christmas tree symbolizes the light that is brought into the world.

Christmas celebration
Source: Google

Story of Christmas Tree

This special plant that came from the fir trees was originally not related to Christmas. In Germany, a story says that the reformer Martin Luther was walking in the forest at night. Martin saw a beautiful sight, namely the sparkling stars in the sky whose light penetrated the fir tree branches.

Impressed by the sight, Martin cut down a fir tree, brought it home, and decorated it with candles to create sparkling stars. Since then, the Christmas tree has become synonymous with celebrations in Germany which then spread throughout the world.

Christmas tree
Source: Google

Other Story of Christmas Tree

Second legend story is comes from the English clergyman, Saint Boniface, the leader of several churches in Germany and France encountered a group of people who were going to offer a child to the god Thor under an oak tree.

Saint Boniface knocked down the oak to stop them. After that incident, around the fallen oak tree grew cypress trees.

Christmas celebration will start soon, let’s celebrate the joy of Christmas with your family at Bali Safari Park!