Bali Safari Park is excited to announce the wonderful news of a newly birthed baby giraffe on the 9th of April, 2020. The giraffe has been given the name of “Corona” by the Minister of Environment and Forestry of Indonesia, honourable Ibu Siti Nurbaya Bakar, as a reminder that miracles are still possible even in these challenging times during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The baby giraffe was born from the parent pairs of Sophie and Matadi here in Bali Safari Park. The birthing process was monitored remotely by our team of doctors; and after a two-hour contraction from Sophie, the baby was deemed normal and healthy, and the birth successful. “Upon birth, the mother, Sophie, has been observed to lick her baby, Corona – a positive sign that the mother has accepted and nurtured her newborn baby”, stated Doctor Yohana Kusumaningtyas, our on-site vet Doctor of Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI) Group.
Sophie’s pregnancy period lasted just under 15 months. Her condition was constantly monitored by our team of Keepers (wildlife caretakers), animal doctors and assistant curators. We have been a part of the process since the very beginning of Corona’s inception, and are very proud and happy for her parents.
“We made sure to provide the best care, and quality foods like carrots, beans and calliandra leaves for the mother during the entirety of the pregnancy. The nursing period for baby Giraffes are from birth until the age of 4 months”, stated Drh. Yohana.
The Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) is an endemic species of Africa and is the tallest animal species on land. Giraffe males can reach heights up to 4.8 to 5.5 meters and weigh as much as 1,360 kilograms. Female giraffes are slightly shorter and lighter than their male counterparts.
At this moment, Corona is in direct care of her mother Sophie. With this newborn giraffe, the number of giraffes in Bali Safari Park totals to 5, consisting of 2 males and 3 females. This successful birthing also marks achievement and strengthens our commitment to the conservation of endangered animals.
Although the park itself has been closed since 23rd of March, 2020 to prevent the transmission of the COVID-19 virus, our conservation programs remain running in Bali Safari Park. Our medical team ensures that the breeding of animals are carefully monitored, and properly cared for, with special attention given to pregnant animals.
Our baby giraffe, Corona, will receive extra attention as she continues to grow and mingle with other giraffes in Bali Safari Park. The developments of Corona will be available through the social media channels of Bali Safari Park so that our visitors can continue to watch as she grows. Hopefully, you all can meet her soon in person once Bali Safari Park is open again to visitors.
Your visit to Bali Safari Park funds our conservation programs. When you see your favorite animals in our park, remember that their birth was made possible because of visitors such as yourself. Book a visit and enjoy a 30% discount for bookings between 1 August 2020 and 31 March 2021.