Published October 18, 2022 | Activities, Conservation, Environment, Wildlife

Trees provide inviting and cool areas for recreation and relaxation such as playgrounds and parks. You probably going to walk more on shaded streets, which encourages interaction with neighbors and improves the sense of community.


On the forest, trees also have ecological function as a canopy of the forest, or forest canopy. It is a structurally complex and have the important subsystem of the forest. Which is the rainfall interception, light absorption, nutrient & energy cycling, gas exchange, and providing habitats for wildlife.



Canopy refers to the upper layer or habitat zone, formed by mature tree crowns and including other biological organism. In biology, the canopy is the aboveground portion of a plant cropping, formed by the collection of individual plant crowns.

The forest canopy known as “the last biotic frontier” because it have less research than any other place. Though, it have the most species-rich environment on the planet! It presents a habitat conducive to the evolution of plenty species of plants, microorganisms, insects, birds, and mammals that are rarely or never encountering the forest floor. The communities that inhabit the canopy layer are thought to be involved in maintaining forest diversity, resilience, and functioning.

Stability of Global Climate


The forest canopies account for at least 50% of global CO2 exchange between ecosystems on the land and the atmosphere. It act as carbon sinks which reduce the increase of atmospheric CO2 due to human activities. The destruction would lead to the release of carbon dioxide which would increase a concentration of atmospheric CO2. This would then contribute to the greenhouse effect, thereby causing the planet to become warmer.

In conclusions, the forest canopy have important effects on a global scale. This should be known by everyone without exception. Let’s learn about nature together with Bali Safari Park!