Toucans and hornbills both count among the most beautiful birds. Although toucans and hornbills look very similar, they are from two completely different families of birds. Want to know more differences? Let’s find out together!
Similar but Different
The magnificent, colorful beaks of toucans and hornbills might make you think they’re related. They have similar diets. But hornbills live in Africa and Asia. Toucans live in Central and South America. Their anatomical structures differ. And, although some hornbills beaks look similar to toucans, most hornbills have a distinctive beak feature called a casque. Some hornbills’ casques are merely a small ridge; some have quite big and protruding casques with bright colors.
If the bird’s beak is quite large but without the casque, it is probably a toucan. Comparatively, the toucan has a more prominent beak than the hornbill. Some species have beaks that are longer than half the bird’s body.
Toucans and their cousins, toucanets, barbets and aracaris, form the family Ramphastidae, in the order Piciformes. Piciformes also contains woodpeckers. Although toucans are primarily fruit eaters, they also eat insects, small animals and the eggs of other birds. They spend most of their time in the rainforest canopy and nest in tree cavities. Altricial or naked toucan hatchlings. Toucans face predators such as boas, jaguars, hawks and eagles.
The 54 identified species of hornbills make up the family Bucerotidae in the order Coraciformes. Many hornbills have a casque a bony growth on top of the beak. “Casque” comes from the French word for helmet; the growth has a helmet like shape. To support the weight of the beak, hornbills have strong neck muscles; their first two neck vertebrae are fused. Males seal their mates into trees for a four-month nesting period.
Thus, information about the differences between Hornbills’ and Toucans. Now, are you ready to get involved in animal welfare with Bali Safari Park? See more about Bali Safari Birds here!