Published July 19, 2019 | Conservation, Environment

Bali Safari Park has always looked ahead when it comes to sharing knowledge and awareness of the wildlife efforts that we believe in. We are sticking with our vision to use our resources and knowledge to create an education program in the schools in Bali, to hopefully enhance and bring more conscious awareness of the importance of wildlife conservation.

Safari Goes to School

Before we start, what exactly is our school education program?

Education program Bali

Bali Safari Park launched an educational initiative called Safari Goes to School, with the intention to educate and share knowledge about wildlife conservation. The plan is to use our resources and animal collection as an instrument to educate students to be more mindful of their environment and how they can make a change in the environment.

By facilitating early education in schools, Bali Safari Park is hopeful that the next generation will be more conscious and aware of their footprints and how their actions can impact the environment and the animals that live around us.


In addition to the sharing knowledge about wildlife and the environment, Safari Goes to School also wants to invite visitors to Bali Safari Park to learn more about the bigger picture regarding conservation efforts. We want to instill the idea in our visitors, the importance of preserving our wildlife and environment through the research, guidelines and progress we’ve made so far in this cause.

We are continually updating and adding more exciting activities and programs at Bali Safari Park. Stay tuned for more information regarding our educational programs!