The Crowned Pigeon (Goura Victoria) or Victoria Crowned Pigeon is a birds in the family Columbidae. Did you know, this beautiful bird’s name commemorates from the British monarch Queen Victoria. See more about this bird through the articles!

Also known as Dara Mahkota by locals, they inhabits the lowland and swamp forests northern New Guinea and surrounding islands.
Usually lives in small groups, they live in a forest that have large trees and close to water sources. Their have long life span, with approximately 20-25 years.

Belong to large size bird, they can weigh about 3.5 kg with 80cm body length. Male and female birds are having similar characteristics. Its body color is a deep blue-grey colour with a small, black mask. Around the eyes there is a dark mask with red irises.
Reproduction and Treats
Breeding peaks of this bird is late in wet season and in the dry season. In a nest on a tree with 10 meters high, they only hatch 1 egg with 30 days incubation. That is one case of why they have low population.
Adding by that, according to the IUCN Red List, this bird is experiencing a decline in population numbers. The main threats to population decline include hunting, land conversion, and the fur being used for crafts. This situation is very worrying!
Diets & Behaviours

Victoria Crowned Pigeon usually travel in pairs or small parties as they search for food. Their diet usually consists of fallen fruits and insects. They walk with an unhurried gait along the forest floor. Their unique behaviour is they makes a loud clapping sound when it takes flight!